
See also my google scholar account. If you are interested in any of my papers and have difficulties in finding them online, please do not hesitate to contact me by email.


Journal papers (selected)

    • Lindekilde, R. and P. Bjørn (2016). “Transforming perceptions of presence: Reporting from an action research project.” International Journal of Systems and Society 3(1): 16.
    • Gerosa, Marco Aurelio, Redmiles, David, Bjørn, Pernille, & Sarme, Anita. (2015). Editoral: Thematic series on software engineering from a social network perspective. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 6(23), 1-5. doi: 10.1186/s13174-015-0038-0
    • Gunnar Ellingsen and Pernille Bjørn, “Information infrastructures in Healthcare: Action research, Interventions, and participatory design”, Special issue Editorial, Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 26 (2), p. 27-30, 2014
    • Bjorn, P., and Kensing, F. “Special Issue on Information Infrastructures for Healthcare: The Global and Local Relation,” International journal of Medical Informatics, 2013. Guest Editorial for special issue
    • Bjørn, P. “Bounding Practice: How People Act in Sociomaterial Practices,” Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (24:2) 2012. Invited commentary
    • Bjørn, Pernille and Ojelanki Ngwenyama (2010): Technology Alignment: A new area in Virtual Team Research, IEEE Transaction on Personal Communication
    • Nina Bolous and Pernille Bjorn (2008): A cross-case analysis of technology-in-use practices: EPR-adaptation in Canada and Norway, International Journal of Medical Informatic.
    • Bjørn, Pernille and Ngwenyama, Ojelanki (2008): Virtual Team Collaboration: Building Shared Meaning, Resolving Breakdowns and Creating Translucence, Information Systems Journal (ISJ)
    • Bjørn, Pernille, Scopula, Ada and Fitzgerald, Brian (2006): Expanding Technological Frames Towards Mediated Collaboration: Groupware adoption in Virtual Learning Teams, Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (SJIS), vol. 18, issue 2, p. 3-42.
  • Bjørn, Pernille (2006): Medieret Vejledning af Problemorienteret Projektarbejde: Udfordringer for vejlederrollen på en IT-understøttet masteruddannelse, UNEV: Tidsskrift for Universiteternes efter- og videreuddannelse, vol. 9, 2006

Conference Peer-Reviewed proceedings 

    • Matthiesen, S. and P. Bjørn (2017). “When distribution of tasks and skills are fundamentally problematic: A failure story from global software outsourcing.” PACM on Human-Computer Interaction: Online first 2018 ACM Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Woek and Social Computing 1(2, Article 74): 16.
    • Jabbar, K. and P. Bjørn (2018). Infrastructural Grind: Introducing Blockchain technology in the shipping industry. ACM GROUP. Sanibel Island, Florida, ACM.
    • Menendez-Blanco, M., P. Bjørn, N. H. Møller, J. Bruun, H. Dybkjær and K. Lorentzen (2018). “GRACE: Broadening narratives of computing through history, craft and technology ” Demo paper, ACM GROUP conference.
    • Castro, T., A. Castro, D. Lima and P. Bjørn (2017). Model playground for autictic children: Teaching social skills through tangible collaboration. Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), IEEE 17th International conference, IEEE: 441-445.
    • Lundbjerg, E. H., von der Osten, J. P. Kanto, R., Bjørn, P (2017): The Hackerspace Manifested as a DIY-IoT Entity: Shaping and Protecting the Identity of the Community. In: Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work – Exploratory Papers, Reports of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (ISSN  2510-2591), DOI: 10.18420/ecscw2017-5
    • Jabbar, K. and P. Bjørn (2017 ). Growing the Blockchain information infrastructure. CHI2017. Denver, CO, USA.
    • Menéndez, M., P. Bjørn and A. D. Angeli (2017). Critical design artefacts: Enacting alternative political agendas. ACM CSCW Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Portland, USA, ACM.
    • Møller, N. H., P. Bjørn, J. C. Villumsen, T. Hancock, T. Aritake and S. Tani (2017). Data tracking in search of workflows. ACM CSCW, Portland, USA, ACM.
    • Matthiesen, Stina, & Bjørn, Pernille. (2016). Lets look outside the office: Analytical lens unpacking collaborative relationships in global work. Paper presented at the COOP2016, Trento, Italy.
    • Møller, Naja Holten, & Bjørn, Pernille. (2016). In due time: Decision-making in architectural design of hospitals. Paper presented at the COOP2016, Trento, Italy.
    • Boulus-Rødje, Nina and Pernille Bjørn: “Design challenges in supporting distributed knowledge: An examination of organising elections, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction (CHI), ACM, Seoul, 2015
    • Matthiesen, S. and P. Bjørn. “Why Replacing Legacy Systems Is So Hard in Global Software Development: An Information Infrastructure Perspective”, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), ACM, Vancouver, Canada, 2015.
    • Lindekilde, R., and Bjørn, P. “Perceptions of presence: Discursive and embodied experience in global collaboration,” in: European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), AIS, Munich, Germany, 2015.
    • Christophersen, M., Mørck, P., Langhoff, T. O., and Bjørn, P. “Unforeseen Challenges: Adopting Wearable Health Data Tracking Devices to Reduce Health Insurance Costs in Organizations,” in: Human-Computer Interaction international conference (HCII), Springer, Los Angeles, CA, 2015.
    • Christensen, L and P. Bjørn. “Documentscape: Intertextuallity, sequentiality and Autonomy at work“, The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction (CHI), ACM, Toronto, Canada, 2014
    • Matthiesen, S., Bjørn, P., and Petersen, L. M. ““Figure Out How to Code with the Hands of Others”: Recognizing Cultural Blind Spots in Global Software Development,” Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), ACM, Baltimore, USA, 2014.
    • Esbensen, M., and Bjørn, P. “Routine and standardization in Global software development,” in: GROUP, ACM, Sanible Island, Florida, USA, 2014.
    • Christensen, L. R., Jensen, R. E., and Bjørn, P. “Relation work in collocated and distributed collaboration,” in: COOP, Springer, France, 2014.
    • Majundar, A., Bjørn, P., and Krishna, S. “Managers’ perceptions of social software use in the workplace: Identifying the benefits of social software and emerging patterns of its use,” in: AMCIS, AIS, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 2013.
    • Korver-Michan, R., and Bjørn, P. “Sources of miscommunications: Searching for contextual information in communication between Chinese and Danish collaborators,” in: International Conference on Intercultural Communication (ICIC), ACM, Bangalore, India, 2012.
    • Jensen, R. E., and Bjørn, P. “Divergence and convergence in global software development: Cultural complextities as societal structures,” in: COOP: Design of cooperative systems, Springer, France, 2012, pp. 123-136.
    • Bjørm, Pernille and Lars Rune Christensen (2011): Relation work: Creating socio-technical connections in global engineering, Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW), Århus, Denmark
    • Bardram, Jakob, Pernille Bjørn, Arne John Glenstrup, Thomas Pederson (2011): The Global Interaction Research Initiative at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Show Case paper to be presented at CSCW 2011
    • Bjørn, Pernille (2011): Co-constructing globally collaborative spaces: A conceptual study of war room meetings as spaces with place-based activities, Proceedings of Scandinavian conference on Information Systems (SCIS), Finland, pp. 16-18
    • Yasuoka, Mika and Pernille Bjørn (2011): Difficulties in establishing local language in machine-translated mediated communications, Proceedings of Scandinavian conference on Information Systems (SCIS), Finland, pp. 41-55
    • Bjørn, Pernille and Ellen Balka (2009): Supporting the Design of Health Information Systems: Action Research as Knowledge Translation, Hawaii International Conference on Information Systems, 2009.
    • Balka, Ellen, Pernille Bjørn and Ina Wagner (2008): Steps Toward a Typology for Health Informatics, Proceeding of conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), San Diego, CA, USA. Won Best-paper.
    • Bjørn, Pernille and Ellen Balka (2007): Health Care Categories have Politics Too: Unpacking the Managerial Agendas of Electronic Triage Systems, in L. Bannon, I. Wagner, C. Gutwin, R. Harper and K. Schmidt (eds.): ECSCW 2007: Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Limerick, Ireland, 2007, pp. 371-390.
    • Bjørn, Pernille and Ellen Balka (2007): Technology Transforms the Space for Knowledge Acquisition, ED-Media, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hybermedia and Telecommunication, June 25-29, Vancouver, Canada, 2007.
    • Boulus, Nina and Bjørn, Pernille (2007): Constructing Technology-in-use Practices: EPR-adaptation in Canada and Norway, Third International Conference Information Technology in Health Care (ITHC2007): Socio-technical Approached, August 28-31, Australia, 2007
    • Bjørn, Pernille and Hertzum, Morten (2006): Project-Based Collaborative Learning: Negotiating Leadership and Commitment in Virtual Teams, in proceedings of CHI-SA: Computer Human Interaction in South Africa, Computer Human Interaction Organisation of Southern Africa (CHI-SA) in collaboration with the Computer Society of South Africa (CSSA), 2006, CHI-SA 2006.
    • Bjørn, Pernille and Hertzum, Morten (2005): Proactive Behaviour May Lead to Failure in Virtual Project-Based Collaborative Learning, GROUP’05 proceedings of the 2005 international ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work, 6-9 Nov, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA, pp. 324-325.
    • Bjørn, Pernille and Simonsen, Jesper (2005): Joint Enterprise and the Role of the Intermediator: Challenges Managing Groupware in Global Virtual Teams, 5th International workshop on web Based Collaboration (WBC´05) printed in Workshop Proceedings of Database and Expert Systems Application (DEXA), 22-24 August, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 609-615
    • Bjørn, Pernille and Scopula, Ada (2004): Groupware Integration in Virtual Learning teams – A qualitative analysis based on the TAM-model, IT Innovation for Adaptability and Competitiveness, IFIP 8.6, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Leixlip, Irland, 2004, pp. 289-312.
    • Bjørn, Pernille (2003): Re-Negotiating Protocols: A Way To Integrate GroupWare in Collaborative Learning Settings, Proceedings of European Conference of Information Systems ECIS’2003: New Paradigms in Organizations, Markets and Society, 16.-21. June 2003, Naples, Italy.

Panels and workshops 

    • Bjørn, P., C. Fiesler, M. Muller, J. Pater and P. Wisniewki (2018). Research Ethics Town Hall Meeting. GROUP. Sanibel, FL, USA, ACM.
    • Wagenknecht, S., I. Erickson, C. Østerlund, M. Mazmanian and P. Bjørn (2017). Theory Transfers?: Social Theory & CSCW Research. Companion of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. Portland, Oregon, USA, ACM.
    • Green, D. P., V. Fuchsberger, D. Kirk, N. Taylor, D. Chatting, J. Meissner, M. Murer, M. Tscheligi, S. Lindtner, P. Bjorn and A. Reiter (2017). Open Design at the Intersection of Making and Manufacturing. Workshop, CHI. Denvor, USA, ACM.
    • Fuchsberger, V., M. Murer, M. Tscheligi, S. Lindtner, S. Bardzell, J. Bardzell, A. Reiter and P. Bjorn (2016). Fabrication & HCI: Hobbyist Making, Industrial Production, and Beyond. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. San Jose, California, USA, ACM: 3550-3557.
    • Bjørn, P., L. Ciolfi, M. Ackerman, G. Fitzpatrick and V. Wulf (2016). Practice-based CSCW Research: ECSCW bridging across the Atlantic. Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing . San Francisco, California, USA, 210-220
    • Østerlund, Carsten, Pernille Bjørn, Paul Dourish, Richard Harper, and Daniela Rosner: “Sociomateriality and Design”, Panel proposal accepted for CSCW2015, Vancouver, 2015
    • Fuchsberger, V., Murer, M., Tscheligi, M., Lindtner, S., Reiter, A., Bardzell, S., Bardzell, J., and Bjørn, P. “The Future of Making: Where Industrial and Personal Fabrication Meet ” in: Workshop paper at Critical Alternatives,, Århus, Denmark, 2015.
    • Mørck, P, Amstrup, M, Langhoff, T, and Bjørn, P: “Infrastructures for healthcare: Disconnecting”, Workshop paper presented at Infrastructures in Healthcare, Trento, italy, June 2015.
    • Boulus-Rødje, N., Bjørn, P., and Ghazawneh, A. ““It’s about Business, not Politics”: an ethnographic study of an Israeli-Palestinian web start-up,” in: International Conference of Critical Geography, Rammallah, Palestine, 2015.
    • Bjørn, P., J. Bardram; G. Avram; L. Bannon; A. Boden; D. Redmiles; C. de Souza; and V. Wulf: “Global Software Development in a CSCW perspective”, Workshop at the CSCW conference, Baltimore, USA, 2014
    • Bjørn, P. “Sociomaterial-Design in Global software development: Position paper presented at,” in: Workshop on Global Software Development in a CSCW Perspective, CSCW2014, Baltimore, USA, 2014.
    • Bjørn, P. “What are you reading?,” Interactions (21:5) 2014.
    • Bjørn, P and Nina Boulus-Rødje: Empirical sensibility in design workshops of healthcare infrastructures, International workshop of infrastructures in healthcare, Tromsø, June, 2013
    • Bjørn, Pernille and Thomas Pederson (2011): Including Remote Participants and Artifacts: Visual, Audio, and Tactile Modalities in an Ethnographic Study of Globally Distributed Engineers, Workshop paper presented at Computer Human Interaction (CHI), Vancouver, Canada, 2011.
    • Markussen, Randi and Pernille Bjørn (2011): Cyborg at Heart: ICD and the apparatus of bodily production, Proceedings of the third international workshop on Infrastructures in Healthcare: Global health, Copenhagen, Denmark
    • Carsten Østerlund and Pernille Bjørn (2011). Socio-Material Infrastructure in Emergency Departmental Work, Proceedings of the third international workshop on Infrastructures in Healthcare: Global health, Copenhagen, Denmark
    • Bjørn, Pernille (2010): Global Health: Interpretation and use of ICD data, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), workshop paper: CSCW Research in Healthcare: Past, Present, and Future. Savanna, Georgia, USA.
    • Bjørn, Pernille (2010): Ubiquitous Computing and Cross-cultural Collaboration: Danish and Indian Engineers dispersed across Distances, UBICom. Copenhagen, Denmark.
    • Pernille Bjørn and Carsten Østerlund (2009): Materiality in hospital work: Comparative study of the work in two pediatric emergency departments, workshop paper presented at AMCIS, San Fransisco, USA
    • Bjørn, Pernille (2007): Research on Virtual Teams: CSCW should challenge MIS, Workshop Realizing and Supporting Collaboration in e-Research, European Conference of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW), Limerick, Ireland, 2007.
  • Bjørn, Pernille; Fitzgerald, Brian and Scopula, Ada (2003): The Role of Social Awareness in Technology Acceptance of Groupware in Virtual Learning Teams, Proceedings of the 26th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS), Haikko Manor, Finland 2003 Thesis & Workshop papers